
Elemental power
The organization of trade routes was one of the first responses to the challenge posed by the unbridled elements. The development of river and sea communications, the construction of trade routes, as well as the development of military and maritime affairs contributed to the strengthening and expansion of the Old Russian state.

The power of idea
New ships, the naval education system and the reforms of Peter I formed a new reality for our country. The founding of the Navy symbolized great changes and a response to the challenges facing a rapidly developing state.

Wind force
In 1721 after the victory in the Northern War, Peter I accepted the rank of admiral and the title of Emperor of All Russia. The Russian Empire acquired the status of one of the world's maritime powers - the protection of national interests became the main challenge and contributed to the development and strengthening of the fundamental role of the Russian fleet.

The power of discovery
With the coming to power of Peter I at the end of the 17th century. The young Russian fleet needed its own lighthouses, navigational, astronomical and geodetic instruments. Responding to this challenge, the state set a course for understanding the exact sciences and maritime affairs... Thus began the era of enlightenment and progress.

The power of structure
The creation of a regular navy involved the development and implementation of new management structures, shipbuilding, all types of supplies, weapons, personnel training, basing systems, the development of science, naval art, industry, agriculture, and financing systems, which became the prototype of the structure of the modern Navy.

Strength of mind and body
Service on sailing ships was difficult and dangerous. Not only the health, but also the morale of the sailors was tested. That is why, along with naval hospitals, thanks to Peter I, naval clergy appeared. So the king took care of the strength of body and spirit of the sailors.

The power of connection
With the development of the fleet, the need for the development of new communications also grew. Communications played and still play a colossal role. But in addition to light, sound, electric telegraph and satellite navigation, there is another important type of communication - the connection of times and traditions that have developed in the fleet over the centuries.

The power of fire and metal
In the first half of the 19th century. Due to the need for global changes, there was a transition from a sailing fleet to a steam one. Thus, progress in industry in the second half of the 19th century led to the construction of a new type of ship - battleships - as well as to changes in naval combat tactics.

The Power of Greatness
In the early 1920 Russia needed new social, economic, political and military institutions. The response to this challenge was the restoration of the fleet, strengthening its combat capability and returning to its former greatness over the next 20 years.

The power of education
When educating and training sailors in modern conditions, historically it is necessary to take into account more than three centuries of traditions that have developed in the navy. That is why the training of military personnel from sailor to admiral became a matter of national importance, and maintaining continuity in naval education determined the path of its further development.

Defense force
The creation of coastal fortifications and seaside fortresses was the most important component of the state's defense. The construction of the first fort Kronshlot became the starting point in the history of fortification and a key moment in the development of the Navy of our country.

Offensive strength
The harsh conditions of service and the specifics of combat use made the Marines a special branch of the Navy. This service required special courage and skills. Marines always play a decisive role in combat missions on land and water. In our time, the Marine Corps has become the backbone of the Navy's rapid reaction forces.

Speed force
On the eve of the First World War, Russia began the creation of a naval aviation. The impetus for this was the flight of the Frenchman Louis Blériot across the English Channel in 1909, which demonstrated the possibility of flights over the sea. In 1916, Russian naval pilots confirmed their combat skills by shooting down two German airplanes over the sea near the island of Saarema, on which a Russian military base was located. From that moment to this day, naval aviation pilots have firmly guarded the country’s maritime borders.

The power of depth
For a qualitative breakthrough in the exploration of the underwater world, a special device was needed that would provide a person with air and protect him from enormous pressure. With the advent of spacesuits and scuba gear, people were able to dive under water for a short time. And only with the creation of the submarine there was a full-fledged opportunity to solve combat missions in the depths of the sea. In the 19th and early 20th centuries. major maritime powers, including Russia, entered the race to conquer the depths of the sea.

Modern exhibition
The second floor of the museum opens doors to visitors to the historical period of the second half of the 20th century. At this time, Russia entered a new era. In the era of globalization, rapidly developing technologies and the struggle for global resources. Each room of the modern exhibition tells about the “forces” that helped protect the rights to these resources and defend the sovereignty of our country, preserving and developing the defense capability of the Navy.

The power of collaboration
In order to radically influence the development of the economy and form trade sea routes with Western Europe, Peter I needed to scale up shipbuilding. This gave impetus to the development of the country's central shipbuilding industry - the Admiralty Shipyards, the construction of which began in 1704. It was one of the first professional organizations aimed at designing ships in Russia, preceding the emergence of design bureaus - the Submarine Construction Commission.

The power of an idea
Wars of the first half of the 20th century. led the Soviet Union to the need to create its own missile weapons. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 19, 1946, signed by I.V. Stalin said: “Consider the work on the development of jet technology as the most important state task and oblige all ministries and organizations to carry out tasks on jet technology as a priority.” This resolution became the starting point for the creation of domestic long-range weapons: anti-aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles.

Surface fleet strength
After Second World War , despite the difficult situation and losses in the ship's personnel, the USSR Navy had to confront new threats from the outside, including the appearance of an atomic bomb by the enemy. In response to this challenge, bases and patrol areas for nuclear weapons carriers were created. Subsequently, in the new political realities, the Navy managed not only to restore the former power of the Navy, but also to reach a new qualitative and quantitative level of armaments.

The power of nuclear technology
Arms race in the second half of the 20th century. became a consequence of the desire of states to ensure security for their territory, as well as a new challenge for the USSR. Our country's response was the creation of the Soviet atomic bomb - the most important development in the field of energy - the development of the Arctic and the development of the Northern Sea Route.

Submarine strength
As the technical capabilities of other countries grew, the naval part of the USSR's nuclear missile shield faced new strategic challenges. The creation of the K-3 submarine made it possible to respond to new challenges of the time, and the submarine itself became a revolutionary object for nuclear energy, polar underwater navigation and the Navy as a whole.

Power of nature
During the formation of the USSR, a broad program of government activities was launched to study and develop the Far North. It included the national economic development of the Arctic and ensuring navigation along the Northern Sea Route. A key role in the development of the Arctic was played by the development of the icebreaker fleet and, first of all, the creation of nuclear icebreakers, which have no analogues in the world

The power of height
The creation of the NATO at the beginning of the Cold War forced the navy leadership to reconsider their views on the development of USSR aviation in general and naval aviation in particular. Thus began the era of manned space exploration, mass rearmament with jet aircraft, as well as the introduction into operation of heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers with airplanes and helicopters on board. Infrastructure and aviation upgrades continue to this day.

Time line
The future is impossible without the past. Therefore, it is so important to preserve knowledge about the history of the development of the Navy. We can only appreciate the full scale of the Navy's achievements by looking at them in retrospect.