Museum today
The Museum of Russian Naval Glory sees its mission as preserving and popularizing the historical heritage of Russia, instilling a sense of pride in the Russian Navy, as well as creating a sense of involvement in protecting the interests of the Fatherland in the seas and oceans, and protecting the country’s maritime borders. An important aspect of the activity is the formation of patriotic sentiments among fellow citizens and confidence in the future of the Russian Federation as a world maritime power.

Conceptually, the exposition of the museum is built on the principle of call and response, in which the key word is "power". This principle allows visitors of different degrees of immersion in history to trace the stages of development of the Russian civilization, society, and navy. The thematic halls of the first floor will tell visitors about the key issues in the history of the country and the Navy, starting from Ancient Russia and ending in the middle of the XX century. The second floor tells about the period from the second half of XX to the first half of XXI century.